Install AddToAny in Blogger
Click the following button to install AddToAny for Blogger. After clicking, log in to Blogger (if not already logged in), select your blog > Add Widget > Save arrangement. This sharing widget installs the share button(s) below each blog post.
Setup for Mobile
Blogger requires a setup process to use a widget on mobile. Follow the steps below once you have AddToAny working on your blog's desktop site.
- Go to Template > Edit HTML and click inside the template code editor
- In the template code, search for
using the editor's search feature. To bring up the search bar, press Ctrl + F on your keyboard (⌘ + F for Mac). You should seeAddToAny
in a line of code that looks like:<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='AddToAny' type='HTML' visible='true'>…</b:widget>
- Change
totitle='AddToAny' mobile='yes'
so that the line of code looks like:<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='AddToAny' mobile='yes' type='HTML' visible='true'>…</b:widget>
- Click Save template and go to Template again
- Click the gear icon below the Mobile section
- Under Choose mobile template, choose Custom, and click Save
Remove the "AddToAny" text
Blogger always displays the title of widgets on your blog, and the default title of the widget is AddToAny.
We recommend removing the "AddToAny" text on your blog after you have completed "Setup for Mobile" (above) because one of the steps involves finding the AddToAny widget title. To remove the "AddToAny" text, go to Layout and click Edit for the AddToAnygadget, then make the Title blank and click Save.
To uninstall the Blogger widget
Please let us know if there is anything we can improve or help you with.
- Go to Layout and click Edit for any HTML/JavaScript gadget
- Check that the Content includes this line:
AddToAny Button for Blogger
- If the Content includes the above line, click Remove, otherwise click Cancel and try another gadget
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